This Week’s Service:
Prelude: “Lasst uns Erfreuen / Let Us Rejoice” (Wayne Martz, Organ)
Welcome / Announcements / Prayer with Lord’s Prayer (Mary Lou Jarrell)
Hymn: “And Can it Be, that I Should Gain”
Apostles’ Creed (Lucy and Rand Jones)
Special Music: “Man of Sorrows” (Joy Sloan, Sarah Teel, Jay Davis, Eric Buchanan, Eric Jones, and Ken Posey)
Reading of Scripture (Katie, Hendley, Mary Avnor, and Jay Parker)
Children Sermon (Sally Key Bowden)
Anthem: “Be Still” (Jeanne and Wayne Martz | by Mary McDonald)
Sermon: “How to Handle Life Quakes” (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green with Alex King)
Hymn: “I Am Thine, O Lord”
Benediction (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Postlude: “Verso” (Wayne Martz, Organ | by D. Zipoli)
This podcast is from a sermon series. The Scripture Lesson is from Luke 7:36-50.The Sermon is entitled, “Be the Difference: Pain Is Universal,” by...
This Week’s Service Prelude: “Preludio a Capriccio” | A. Vivaldi (Wayne Martz, Harpsichord | Ruslan Apostolov, Violin | Ina Apostolova, Cello)Welcome / Announcements /...
The Choral Call to Worship The Prelude: “Were You There?” by J. Raney; Handbell Choir The Cross and Flame Come to the Altar The...