This Week’s Service:
Prelude: “Nun Bitten Wir” (Wayne Martz, Organ | by D. Buxtehude)
Welcome / Announcements / Prayer with Lord’s Prayer (Grace Bailey)
Hymn: “Christ, from Whom All Blessings Flow” (Hymn 550)
Apostles’ Creed (Bo Trotter)
Special Music: “I Can Only Imagine” (Eric Buchanan, Jay Davis, Connor Davis, Joy Sloan, and Ken Posey)
Reading of Scripture (Amy, Ryan, Rollins, and Caroline Sheffield)
Children Sermon (Sally Key Bowden)
Anthem: “For The Bread Which You Have Broken” (Jeanne and Wayne Martz)
Sermon: “A Christian Response to Conflict-Part 1” (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Hymn: “Spirit of the Living God” (Hymn 393)
The Great Thanksgiving
Benediction (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Postlude: “Lord Dismiss Us with Your Blessing (Sicilian Mariners)” (Wayne Martz, Organ | by A. Fedak)
Traditional Worship Service/Galatians 5:16-26
This podcast is from a sermon series. The Scripture Lesson is from Luke 7:36-50.The Sermon is entitled, “Be the Difference: Pain Is Universal,” by...