This Week’s Service:
Prelude: “Cantabile” (Jeanne Martz, Flute | Wayne Martz, Harpsichord)
Welcome / Announcements / Prayer with Lord’s Prayer (Mary Lou Jarrell)
Hymn: “God of Grace and God of Glory” (Hymn 577)
Apostles’ Creed (Sally Key Bowden)
Special Music: “Good Grace” (Anna Fugh, Guitar)
Reading of Scripture (John Fugh, III)
Children Sermon (Sally Key Bowden)
Anthem: “I Will Wait for You” (Wayne and Jeanne Martz)
Sermon: “Expect Great Things” (Rev. John Fugh, Jr.)
Hymn: “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” (Hymn 452)
Benediction (Rev. John Fugh, Jr.)
Postlude: “Glorificamus” (Wayne Matz, Organ | J. Dunstable)
Contemporary Worship Service/1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Traditional Worship Service/Matthew 1:18-25
Mark 2:1-12 Rev. Lynn Meadows-White, The Methodist Children's Home