This Week’s Service:
Prelude: “Cantabile” (A. Besozzi | Wayne Martz, Harpsichord; Janne Martz, Flute)
Welcome / Announcements / Prayer with Lord’s Prayer (Logan Ogletree)
Hymn: “O Thou Who This Mysterious Bread” (Hymn # 613)
Apostles’ Creed (Ella Hudson)
Special Music: “There Was Jesus” (Eric Buchanan, Jay Davis, Connor Davis, Joy Sloan, and Eric Jones)
Reading of Scripture: 1 Samuel 30:7-20 (Maddie Haines)
Children Sermon (Sally Key Bowden)
Anthem: “Because You Are God’s Chosen Ones”
Sermon: “Centering Down (Part 2)” (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Hymn: “For the Bread Which You Have Broken” (Hymn #614)
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Benediction (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Postlude: “Ayre” (G. P Telemann | Wayne Martz, Harpsichord; Janne Martz, Flute)
This Week’s Service: Prelude: “Noel Provencal”Welcome / Announcements / Lord’s Prayer (Laura Marvets)Hymn: “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” (Hymn 196)Apostles’ Creed (Caroline Green)Reading of...
Traditional Worship Service/Matthew 23:1-12
Contemporary Worship Service/2 Kings 6:8-23