This Week’s Service
Prelude: “Glorification” (Wayne Martz, Organ | by J. Dunstable)
Welcome / Announcements / Prayer with Lord’s Prayer (Laura Marvets)
Hymn: “Victory In Jesus”
Apostles’ Creed (Rob, Sara, Sasa, Robert, and Frank Varner)
Special Music: “At The Cross” (Sarah Teel, Joy Sloan, Jay Davis, Eric Buchanan, Eric Jones, and Ken Posey)
Reading of Scripture (Drew Bowles)
Children’s Sermon (Sally Key Bowden)
Anthem: “The Eternal Gates” (Wayne and Jeanne Martz)
Sermon: “Devoted Things” (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Hymn: “Nothing But the Blood”
Benediction (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Postlude: “Voluntary” (Wayne Martz, Organ | by J. Stanley)
Contemporary Worship Service/Luke 19:1-10
Traditional Worship Service/Luke 15:11-32
Contemporary Worship Service/Luke 1:5-25