The Choral Call to Worship The Prelude: “Were You There?” by J. Raney; Handbell Choir The Cross and Flame Come to the Altar The Hymn of Celebration: “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” The Affirmation of Faith The Gloria Patri The Pastoral Prayer with The Lord’s Prayer by Rev. John Fugh, Jr. The Offertory Prayer The Offertory Anthem: “Gabriel's Oboe” by E. Morricone The Doxology The Passing of the Peace The Registration of Attendance The Welcome to St. Paul and Recognition of our Guests The Children’s Moment by Rev. Dr. Shane The Holy Week Readings and Anthem: "The Carpenter's Son", presented by the Chancel Choir, Children's Choirs, and Handbell Choir. Featuring instrumentalists. The Flame Goes Before Us into the World The Benediction and Choral Response: “The Lutkin Benediction” The Postlude: “Postlude on St. Theodulph” by A. Fedak
New Year's Day Traditional Worship Service/Galatians 3:1-9
Traditional Worship Service/Luke 7:11-23
Contemporary Worship Service/Luke 5:17-26